a man stopped me…

a random man stopped me on the road today…just to tell me that the man who held my heart was a lucky man.
That my smile had a way of radiating and that he hoped i’d understand.
He walked right away.. like that was all had to say to me.

and as i sit here i wonder. how does a stranger see more in me than a man?

and when will i ever understand?

and why did the universe pull em to the water once again. and is it time to head home to my loved ones and friends

and why do things that are so right, not stay together in the end?

and if time could bend would it bring me back to you again, or send me off in the wind?

and why does it seem so easy for me to just live in the moment, and smile this way.

when my heart is clearly still broken, and love is all it would take.

to mend me and make my smile radiate?

how did that man see my future? and when will i get to share his view in the reflection of the eyes of a man who understands me?

all this from a random man.

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